If you feel the need make sure it is not more than four fluid ounces of liquid. This liquid dilutes the stomach acid and makes it impossible to digest food. Abstain from drinking for a half hour before your meals and a half hour to one hour after your meals. You may notice that you have a lot less gas and bloating after eating.

 ...consuming fruit when eating protein at the same meal slows down the digestion of the meat and it actually allows the meat to begin to putrefy in the stomach while the enzymes are released and digestion begins breaking down the fruit. Try to eat fruit away from your proteins. Remember it’s how fast we digest and eliminate that deter- mines our state of health.

 ...that taking a teaspoon a day of organic apple cider vinegar can ease symptoms of gastro reflux and eliminate heartburn. Too strong, you say, take it in warm water like a tea with a small amount of raw honey and lemon. Make sure the water is not above 117° as that will denature the health effects of the vinegar.

 DIY_fluidsWithMeals...Mike Adams reported from the Natural News that on January 8, 2011, “The U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC) today issued a startling report that admits 2 in 5 children in America show signs of fluoride poisoning (streaking, spotting or pit- ting of teeth due to dental fluorosis). The agency concluded that fluoride levels need to be lowered in municipal water supplies, reducing fluoride to 0.7 milligrams per liter (the previous recommended upper limit was 1.2 milligrams per liter).

 This ends over five decades of the U.S. government recommending up to 1.2 milli- grams of fluoride in every liter of water. But even the new lower levels are still more than enough to cause serious harm to chil- dren, and when mothers make infant for- mula using fluoridated tap water, they inad- vertently poison their infants with hundreds of times the level of fluoride that would nor- mally be found in healthy human breast milk.”

 Editor’s note: Any amount of sodium fluo- ride, is in our opinion, toxic, and should never be added to anything, especially water, dental treatments and toothpaste.

—Jeff Sorna & Nanette Lutz