Detoxification from a homotoxicology perspective

November 21, 2015By HNTherapeuticsHomeopathy

Diseases are the result of the body’s reaction to intoxication — Dr .Hans Reckeweg Definition of A homotoxinA homotoxin is any substance or energetic interference that is toxic to the human organism.  What is the ultimate purpose of homotoxicology?Reactivation of the Mesenchyme  HNT 6 steps of detoxification to reestablish health:All steps in this process are monitored with … Read More

Digestion – The Gut

January 15, 2015By HNTherapeuticsHomeopathy

Most people that come into my clinic have digestive issues and it is at this point imbalances begin. These include: allergies; GERD; gout; arthritis, depression, insomnia, low cellular energy (voltage drop); and the list goes on and on.Much of this occurs from the lack of alkaline minerals in the foods that we eat. The element … Read More