After many years of observing the demonization of cholesterol from the media drug companies and the medical community I thought it was time to shed some positive light on this wonderful life giving substance! Without it our existence would not be possible. I refuse to believe our creator made too many mistakes. First, I want to mention two studies that are very important when researching this subject.

The lipid hypothesis started in the 1950s with the research of Ancel Keys which speculated that saturated fat and cholesterol were the cause of coronary heart disease. Not many years after that, the theory was contradicted by the famous Framingham study concluding that the higher the consumption of saturated fat, the lower the serum cholesterol levels. It is very interesting and put both studies at odds with each other. I mention this for historical value because studies are often biased and sometimes not worth the paper they are written on. I am not going to talk much about those studies. But, feel free to look them up online. Also, go to ( for the truth about the cholesterol and lipids. I will add that almost all the info on that website is written by medical doctors, chemists and PhDs.

So let the madness begin! I find it very interesting that the people who are clouding the facts about cholesterol are the same people making all the money from the sales of these drugs that lower cholesterol values. But the part that is mystifying is the fear mongering and bullying about total cholesterol values. No true healer would ever instill fear into a patient. So let’s take a look at some of the facts about cholesterol that conveniently never get mentioned:

  1. Cholesterol is a precursor for all anti-aging and steroidal hormones, levels naturally increase with age.
  2. Cholesterol holds together our cellular structure.
  3.  Cholesterol is needed for the integrity and repair of the myelin sheath that protects our nerves.
  4. Cholesterol is needed for the repair of injuries, especially the scaring of artery walls.
  5. Cholesterol is an anti-inflammatory.
  6. Half of the dry weight of the brain is cholesterol.
  7. Large amounts are found in the skin where it keeps water inside and outside of the body.
  8. Cholesterol is used to create bile acids for digestion.
  9. Cholesterol is an antioxidant.
  10. HDL & LDL good and bad cholesterol? Total junk science! Cholesterol is just cholesterol.

Let’s take a close look at some other facts and how cholesterol affects our health. Cholesterol is a fat soluble waxy steroidal substance produced by the liver. The body produces as much or as little as it needs. The next part of this article is really important because it corrects a lot of the disinformation; this is quoted directly from the Textbook of Medical Physiology by Arthur C. Guyton, MD. It states that increases in the amount of cholesterol ingested each day increases the plasma concentration slightly. However, when cholesterol is ingested, the rising concentration of cholesterol inhibits one of the essential enzymes for endogenous (internal) synthesis of cholesterol. This provides an intrinsic feedback control system to regulate plasma cholesterol concentration. As a result, cholesterol plasma concentration does not change more + or – 15%. However, in extreme conditions it could increase by 25%. Thanks, Arthur! This is one of the most important statements ever made and it is not in favor of what we are being told! Here is what that means: if you lived on nothing but food that contains cholesterol, you might increase the total cholesterol by 25% and if you consumed food that had no cholesterol you could reduce it by 15% . These numbers are not all that impressive and the demonizing of red meat, eggs and butter doesn’t seem justified. Other factors for increased or decreased levels are:

  1. Increased or decreased levels of thyroid hormones. Most people in the United States have subclinical hypothyroidism do to the consumption of sodium fluoride & an Iodine deficiency.
  2. Cholesterol increases greatly in diabetes type 1 & 2, also with metabolic syndrome.
  3. Increased levels of inflammation. (stress, fear, food allergies)
  4. Compromised liver and gallbladder function.
  5. Consumption of refined carbohydrates (sugar).

HDL (high density lipoproteins) and LDL (low density lipoproteins) are not cholesterol. These are lipoproteins which are the transport system for cholesterol. These lipoproteins are water soluble and move freely through the blood. Cholesterol is fat soluble and needs to be carried by the lipoprotein. Here is how it works:

  1. The liver produces VLDL (very low density lipoprotein) for the transport of triglycerides, phospholipids and cholesterol.
  2. Very low density lipoproteins become LDL after the loss of triglycerides.
  3.  LDL then carries phospholipids and cholesterol to the adipose tissue.
  4. HDL then carries whatever is left over back to the liver to be recycled.

By far, the greatest amount of cholesterol used goes to make cholic acid which forms bile salts to aid in digestion. Now hang in there with me! There is no question that there can be problems with things being out of balance. We always want good ratios between LDL & HDL; and Triglycerides need to be kept in check. Let’s examine the connection between what we put in our mouth and the effect it has on our cholesterol and lipids. First of all, two very important things to do is to identify your metabolic type and to balance the autonomic nervous system. Both can be easily identified by a qualified practitioner. Eating foods that complement and enhance your body chemistry is the key. It’s all about digestion and how you metabolize your food; but that is a whole other newsletter. The real danger here is the over consumption of refined carbohydrates (a fancy name for sugar). The liver synthesizes triglycerides (fats) mainly from the consumption of carbohydrates. It’s very safe to say that in the United States and elsewhere people are consuming way too many refined carbohydrates. Just look at the current food pyramid! This creates a very big burden on the liver and pancreas. The bottom line is, the greater the amount of carbohydrates that are consumed and not immediately used or stored in the form of glycogen are rapidly converted into triglycerides (fats); and then they need to be transported. In my opinion, this is where the imbalances start. The increased level of triglycerides, by default, causes the liver to produce more VLDL to carry the triglycerides. Just that alone can cause other values to be inflated! The other things that need to be addressed are both the oxidation and the particle size of the lipids. When they become too small it is much easier for them to get stuck in the arteries anywhere that scaring and inflammation has occurred. Look at cholesterol as the mortar between the bricks that keep the arteries smooth and supple. Please take a look at the diagram on page 4 to understand which hormones are created by cholesterol and you will see why it is critical to have plenty of cholesterol so the body can maintain hormone output and repair itself! Any alteration to cholesterol levels without first checking all that’s cited in this paper is irresponsible at best. We always need to address the root of the problem.

The other thing that needs to be considered is the consumption of rancid and plastic fats. Once these fake fats are consumed, it is very difficult for the body to rid itself of these substances. Additionally, as the good fats and cholesterol are replaced by plastic fats, the electrical conductivity of the cell membrane is severely compromised. Remember, plastic is a great insulator; thus will impair all cell functions by impairing communication with the hypothalamus.

Conclusion: saying cholesterol is at fault for coronary heart disease is short sighted. In light of everything it does, you will always find cholesterol around atherosclerotic plaque. Remember too, that cholesterol is trying fix the inflammation scaring and surface anomalies on the inside of the artery walls so pointing to cholesterol as the culprit would be like arresting the police for being at the scene of the crime.

— Jeffrey S. Sorna DiHom
